Speed up the buying process with digital retailing.

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The secret to faster sales.

The average dealer without digital retailing spends three hours selling one car. That’s about 90 minutes longer that a satisfactory KPL. Your website could be affecting your sales. Does it provide real buying terms? if shoppers can’t get a personalized deal from your website, they’ll look at a competitor’s site before walking into your showroom.


Higher Engagement produces higher quality leads.

If your website doesn’t offer real buying terms — including pricing, offers, incentives, trade-in values, taxes, financing, payment calculators, and more — it could be costing you time and money. Dealer.com integrates with Autotrader, Kelley Blue Book, and more to bring these services to your inventory pages.


With Digital Retailing, shoppers:

  • View 2x more VDPs1
  • Stay over 8 minutes longer on site1
  • Are 6x more likely to submit lead forms1 

Results that
drive sales.


Digital retailing from Dealer.com is proven to deliver an average of 1.5x higher close rates and 26% higher gross profits.2 Let one of our satisfied clients tell you about their success with our retailing platform.

1) Comparison of visits with vs. without Accelerate My Deal activities, Dealer.com hosted websites (Jun. – Nov., 2019)

2) Accelerate My Deal Close Rate and Profit Analysis (Jan-Aug 2019); sold leads from Accelerate My Deal compared to other Cox Automotive leads excludes active leads (open opportunities not lost or sold).