Webinars & Workshops

Learn how to take your dealership to the next level with the latest webinars from


Shift Your Strategy to Navigate Inventory Shortages

Our complimentary client virtual event–The Dealer User Summit–has come to a close, –and we are still buzzing with all the energy from the attendees, presenters, and new ideas shared.    

Fortunately, there’s still time to learn and leverage all the best practices sessions from our expert Performance Managers. You can now access any sessions you missed on-demand until the end of this month. Simply register, follow the instructions, and select “Watch Broadcast” under the session title you’d like to view.  

Better-Together, Kelley Blue Book, and Autotrader Work Better Together

As more consumers shop online for cars, dealers must maintain a consistent online presence at every touch point of the car buying journey to drive engagement and sales., combined with Kelley Blue Book and Autotrader, provide unified access to the industry’s most visited consumer shopping site, most trusted vehicle research site, and the premier dealer digital marketing platform.   Nuan Openshaw-Dion and Jessica Stafford share how, combined with Kelley Blue Book and Autotrader is the only connected, end-to-end set of solutions designed to help dealers reach more in-market shoppers and engage them at every stage of the car buying process. 

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Marketing Your Website for Digital Retailing Success

Marketing Your Website for Digital Retailing Success

The pandemic accelerated the rate of consumer adoption for many online shopping experiences, from ordering takeout to buying groceries. Automotive retail was no exception as car buyers showed increased interest in shopping and purchasing cars online. In this session, we’ll discuss the new and evolving expectations of your digital retail shoppers. You’ll learn how to adjust your processes, make better customer connections, and close more deals. For example, we’ll teach you how to send shoppers links that they can use to build their own deals and how you can complete those deals with eContracting.

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Amanda Hilerio Webinar

Close More Deals with Your Digital Retailing Tools

The pandemic accelerated the rate of consumer adoption for many online shopping experiences, from ordering takeout to buying groceries. Automotive retail was no exception as car buyers showed increased interest in shopping and purchasing cars online. In this session, we’ll discuss the new and evolving expectations of your digital retail shoppers. You’ll learn how to adjust your processes, make better customer connections, and close more deals. For example, we’ll teach you how to send shoppers links that they can use to build their own deals and how you can complete those deals with eContracting.

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Digital Marketing in 2022

Seismic shifts are reshaping the automotive digital-marketing and retailing landscapes. With consumer privacy and seamless user experiences now a highest-level priority, it’s critical for dealers to understand the data and insights available to them – and ensure they’re integrating those insights into their marketing efforts.

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Stopping Deals from Becoming Leads

Are the close rates for your digital retailing leads failing to outperform other generic lead sources? Join Amanda Hilerio, ecommerce Performance Manager and Bill Cress enterprise Performance Manager, as they discuss how your dealership can make changes to treat digital leads differently and meet shoppers at the proper stage. Join us on July 15, 2021 at 3 p.m. EDT to learn more.

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